
Holiday Weekend

It's Memorial day weekend.  Spending monday with the family.  Had thoughts of grilling out today but thunder, lightning and pouring rain kind of changed my mind.  It is suposed to be a relaxing weekend of movies and a little cleaning.  It has turned out to be a rollercoaster of low blood sugars, movies and laundry.  I enjoyed Hangover 2, laundry happens and the lows I can do without.  I should be better prepared for them, knowing they are bound to happen on this kind of weekend.  Any time I spend time with my husband my schedule gets messed up and things fall apart.  I have a slightly relaxed eating schedule to begin with but there is nothing like a day or days with him to mess me up. I never schedule anything on mondays.  I need mondays to recover.  No matter how short our weekend together is, I need monday.
On a fun note.  I painted my nails red, white and blue.  Each nail is all 3 colors with my ring fingers left as accent nails. The left ring finger is red and the right is blue.  I plan later to paint white stars on them.  Its kind of a different look.  I sponged the polish on instead of using the brush.  Have a safe and happy Memorial day.


OPI shatter

I have all the colors but the latest blue ones to come out.  Do I need them?  Of course I do.  I love having all of something.  I will be hunting for them all over like a lunatic just to have them.  I got lucky and found the red and white.  I haven't tried the white but did try the red.  I wish the red was shiny and not the dull.  Not a fan of the dull look.  I'm a frost and glitter girl at heart I guess.
It doesn't pay to want all of a collection when you love np.  You could go broke in a big hurry if you give in to wanting it all.  I know I have to get getter on having patients and waiting or I will be buying a new wall rack next week.


Nail Polish

My latest addiction